The Sikeston Department of Public Safety (DPS) will hold an open house for their new headquarters building on Saturday, July 19, from 10:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. The building will be open for tours, and several police and fire vehicles will be on display. DPS started working out of the building in July 2012, but final touches, including construction of the public parking lot, have only recently been completed.
Below are a few pictures of the building, including a photo of the department's July 4 shift change briefing, before officers headed out to the streets for the evening shift. Thanks to these officers for sacrificing time with their families on this and other holidays to help keep the rest of us safe.
I posted about the Sikeston Corporate Games previously, but since then I have participated in a few more events myself, and the games have all wrapped up. Below are photos from the fishing contest (I was skunked), the horseshoes contest (I lost both matches) and golf (where we finished a respectable 6th place). Congratulations to Orgill, who dominated the competition to win the overall championship. Pictures of the winners of each event can be found at