I'm a father, Scout leader, soccer coach, and the city manager of Sikeston, Missouri. I use this blog to highlight what's going on in the City organization and in the community - including the great things City employees are doing behind the scenes that most residents never get to see. Please visit me on Instagram where I post more frequently: https://www.instagram.com/jmdoug/?hl=en.
Friday, January 9, 2015
Too cold to work?
No way! But what does a street or park maintenance worker do when it's in the single digits outside? There's usually not much grass to mow, and patching potholes doesn't work as well in extreme cold, so usually they come inside and catch up on some projects in the shop. They are probably happy not to be plowing snow in the middle of the night! Here's a great story about City of Sikeston crews coming in from the cold to complete maintenance projects they will be too busy for once spring arrives.